About Stephen


I'm not a big fan of talking about myself, but I do understand that you need to know a few things before you would even think about working with me on a Real Estate deal. Firstly, I don't do those carefully written fluffy bios ... no thanks. Here is the real stuff ...

I'm just a regular, real guy - a family guy, youth soccer coach, home renovator, dog person, sports enthusiast. I prefer summer over winter, dogs over cats, beer over wine (mostly), coffee over tea and a good laugh over high drama. I tend to work harder for others than I do for myself.

I find a lot of people in any 'sales' business can be pretentious - and Real Estate is no different. I like to think I'm in more of a service business - my job is to provide a service, not sell you on me or any particular deal. I'm more of a guide or a coach through the process and I also take care of providing the details so you can make the right decisions.

Now, the one key element regarding the whole Real Estate process that I must share with you is this: I firmly believe that your Real Estate transaction is a very, very important part of your life and you deserve a smooth positive experience and the best possible result. You deserve to deal with someone you can relate to with straight up honesty, integrity, hard work and attention to detail. I believe I bring this to the table and I look forward to meeting with you and helping you through your next Real Estate transaction.

Feel free to contact me right here, right now.

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