Planning a Spring Sale

birdhouse-snow-400Is it spring yet? Not quite yet I’m afraid. But if you are planning to sell your home in the spring (because “they” say that is the best time to sell), make sure you are ready with some carefully planning.

In our area, with our winters, spring and summer are usually the busiest times to sell a home. Sometimes that is the best time, sometimes it may not be. With busy also comes competition. More homes for sale equals more choices for buyers. With this increased competition comes the need for careful planning and the best person to help you with that is a Realtor … a Realtor who is willing to start now in the winter to help you with a successful spring or summer sale.

When you are sure you will be selling in the spring or summer, grab a coffee and think about your home from a buyer’s perspective. Every home is different and has different requirements to get the best deal you can get. The early planning process will identify these requirements and give you enough time to do what you need to do in order to put your home in a favourable position with buyers come spring time.

With a little bit of planning now, you can have a successful sale when the weather turns nice.


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