The Basics of Preparing Your Home For Sale keys, the basics, the must do items … whatever you want to call it, there is a minimum “standard” of sorts you must follow in order to prepare your home for sale – that is if you really want to sell it!

There are lots of people willing to give you advise about preparing your home for sale – just ask. Most people are happy to advise you on all the good ideas they have heard over the years – and generally speaking the advise is okay. The key thing to remember is that not every piece of advice is good for every situation. A good Realtor® will tailor your preparation to-do list to your specific property and your specific goals. That said, the basics are still the basics so here is the list you can start working on as soon as you decide to sell.

1. De-clutter

The objective here is to make your home look spacious. A spacious home is more appealing to more people as they can see the size of the rooms and can then visualize themselves in the space. De-cluttering can be hard – it’s hard to throw things out – it’s hard to part with old sentimental items. There are many good articles on the Internet showing you how to go about the process – find one that works for you and follow it! Set a time line for the end result and dig in!

2. Fix

Now that you have de-cluttered, you can see all the little things that need to be fixed. A cracked switch plate, a leaking faucet, a burnt out light bulb, some nail holes from your attempt at picture hanging. All these little things add up to the opinion of a buyer that the house is not cared for. And if they feel the house has not been cared for then they will question how well the big ticket items such as the furnace, a/c, roof, etc. have been cared for! The cost to make these little fixes is negligible compared to the return. So go through your house, make a list and either DIY or get a handyman to help. Again, set a time limit to get this all done.

3. Clean

Now that you have done the de-cluttering and minor fixes, it’s time to clean – and clean some more. This is touchy subject as there are many different levels of clean and many different opinions on what constitutes “clean”. You have lived in the house for some time – you are accustom to the everyday look and level of cleanliness. I know it’s hard, but it’s time for an outside opinion. It’s time to ask your Realtor® – and don’t shoot the messenger … please. Generally speaking you should clean to a higher level than you would normally for a seasonal cleaning. And then when you are done, ask your Realtor® if that is acceptable. If so, great. If not then work out something where you call in reinforcements. There are stories of people throwing out their socks after touring a home … do you think they though about buying it? Also, along the lines of clean, make sure your house does not have a “smell”. Again, you will need an outside opinion to determine if your house has an odour that you can’t smell any more that could turn off potential buyers. If so there are way to deal with it so go ahead and tackle it.

4. Tidy Up Outside

Now that the inside is in good shape, it’s time to tackle the outside. The key here is to ensure you have great curb appeal. Clean up outside, trim the hedges, cut the grass, shovel the snow, clean up after your dog – yes it depends on the season but a clean and tidy outside is your first impression so make sure you project a clean, tidy, well cared for exterior or you will be fighting an uphill battle from the start no matter how nice the place is inside. Again, you can DIY or if you are not the landscaper type, hire it out.

Now there are many other things you can and should do depending on your exact circumstances to prepare your home for sale. Paint, renovations, major repairs etc. are all possibilities. But the basics are the basics for a reason and they are always part of a successful sale. Don’t be afraid of a little hard work as the end result will be well worth it.

Questions? Feel free to contact me any time.

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